If you want to begin to repair your credit, requesting a copy of your credit report is the first step. How you can obtain a copy of your credit history and the benefits of doing so are explained in this article.
The most common reason people request a copy of their credit history is to assist with repairing their credit. Credit reports list entries which include a person's financial history, such as identifying information, accounts, and payment history. The review of a credit history will tell a person if all of their information has been recorded accurately or if there is false or inaccurate information which may be affecting their credit score.
If a person discovers inaccurate information on his report, he can dispute this information by sending a letter to the reporting bureaus requesting a revision or deletion of the information. If, within 30 days, the bureau cannot obtain verification of the disputed information, the bureau must remove the entry from your report. This will increase your credit score.
Credit reports are also helpful for finance and budgeting purposes. Obtaining your report allows you to view your status in one neat, concise report. A report can allow you to determine if you should work to consolidate your debt or assist with prioritization of payments.
Reviewing your history can also help protect you against identity theft by allowing you to compare all recent credit activity with your recollection of your personal credit transactions. Identity theft is a serious threat to a person's financial situation as well as their credit worthiness.
There are several ways to request a copy of your credit history. You can obtain a copy of your report from one of the many internet businesses which offer this service. Additionally, you can obtain a copy for free from the three major reporting agencies, Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. These three major credit reporting agencies are legally obligated to provide you with a free copy of your report once every twelve months. You may obtain your free copy of your report by calling Annual Credit Report at (877) 322-8228.
It is wise to obtain a copy of your credit report. Request yours today and when it arrives, sit down and review it for any inaccuracies, so you can begin to rebuild your credit.
Checking your credit report is specially important if you believe you may be a victim of identity theft. Keeping informed is a wise step in preventing credit fraud. Even though it can take years to repair damage to your good credit, the stress can last many years longer.
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There are several ways to request a copy of your credit history. You can obtain a copy of your report from one of the many internet businesses which offer this service.
Thanks for this informative post. I agree with you that we have a copy of our credit report before starting credit repair. Credit report can be obtained free from annualcreditreport.com or three major credit reporting agencies - TransUnion, Experian and Equifax once a year. Credit report contain person's finance history and information. By analysing it, we can do required credit repair.
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