Reviewing your credit report is important to make sure that your information is accurate when applying for a loan. It can also help minimize the damage from possible identity theft. You are entitled to a receive a free credit report every 12 months, so why not request it each year on your birthday?
Your report starts with your personal information — name, address, social security number, telephone number, and employment data. Following that is your account information. Review all the details and make corrections if needed by following the instructions provided.
For each credit account, you will find the lender's name, account number, type of account, and loan information, including your payment history. The credit bureaus also collect information from court records, so don't be surprised to find notes about bankruptcies, tax liens, and/or criminal proceedings that may have occurred. At the end of the report will be a list of any parties who have requested your information.
Potential lenders review your report to determine your creditworthiness. They consider your track record in making timely payments, as well as the total amount of credit you are carrying. They want to determine if you are able to handle monthly payments on any new loans you may apply for.
When you review your report, make sure you agree with all the items listed. If you notice anything unusual it may be an indication that a thief is using your accounts without your knowledge, so review the report carefully and make a list of any incorrect or misleading information. You have a right to dispute incorrect information on your report.
Typically you will receive a form to complete if you wish to file a dispute. When the credit bureau receives your request, it is obligated to investigate within 30 days and to correct any errors. You will receive a report on the conclusion of the investigation, and if your credit report is changed as a result, you should also get an updated copy.
You also have the right to add a statement of 100 words or less to your report, explaining your side of the story with respect to any disputed information.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Review your credit report annually
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1 comment:
Reviewing the credit report annually will help you to control the misuse of the credit account.Also you can control your expenditure according to your requirements.You can collect the free reports from different credit agencies sites.See your credit report freely here in
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