Nowadays it has been very essential to hold a good credit history to anyone who expects to make major purchases, rent an apartment or start a business. You could build good credit easily but you need to control useless expenses. Follow these tips to help build your credit history.
First of all check which accounts are shown on your credit report.
Try to obtain a copy of your credit report at least once a year.
Go through the credit report and check whether the information shown is accurate or not.
Make your entire bill Payments on time. You don't need to pay the entire balance each month, but make at least the minimum payment promptly.
Avoid going over the credit limit on your credit card account. Some credit card companies allow you to do this as a courtesy, but it can reflect poorly on your ability to handle your account.
Cancel credit cards you aren't using or don't anticipate using.
I’m not an professional agent but all these tips are self used first as I got great benefits from these I tried to explain here.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Tips build a good credit history quickly
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