What you will do in case you get your credit report and there are some negative marks printed on it that you were not involved in or were not part of? This error situation happens in many people’s credit report and can happen with your credit report as well. So what will you do if you find some errors in your credit report?
No doubt, it will not be easy to remove these errors from your credit report. But always there are some ways you can follow to solve a difficult problem even. So here some steps to follow to get the information corrected in your credit report:
When you get some error in your credit report, the first step you have to follow is contacting the credit reporting agency that issued this report in written. In your letter to the credit reporting company, you should attach the relevant documents that show that the information is incorrect. With this you should include information like your name, address, explanation of error situation at hand and why you are reporting the errors in your credit report copy. You should also mention the entries that need to be deleted or edited from your credit report.
Now send this letter to the respective credit reporting company via certified mail and keep a copy of your letter at you in case there are some disputes at their end. When your credit reporting company gets the dispute letter from you, they will start their investigation if they think the dispute can be true or there is some seriousness in it. Normally they start investigation within 30 days of receiving the dispute letter. In their investigation, report providing company will send all the documents and disputes to the company in question in order for the company to do their own investigation and find out why they have placed a particular entry in to that credit report. When that company or organization completes their investigation, they will send their statements about the disputes if they were true or not and support their statements with the evidence of their own.
In case there was some error in credit report, that company will inform all of the credit reporting agencies about this error and get it corrected. Once all this process is completed, your reporting company will send you a new copy of free credit report with all of errors removed from the report.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Credit report bugs: How to get rid of it?
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